Was Theseus more important to Athens as a monster-slayer or as a political leader?

Ancient history is not my forte, but here is a short exam-style ancient history essay - not referenced. __________________________ Theseus, as a Greek king of the heroic age, played many roles in the development of Athens; these were both political roles in the everyday development of Athens and his less realistic roles as a mythical … Continue reading Was Theseus more important to Athens as a monster-slayer or as a political leader?

What sources do we have for the history of the early Roman Empire, and what problems do we have in their interpretation?

Not an essay I got a particularly great mark on since I spent a lot of the time before the due date in hospital and had to research, write and reference this in the space of a morning, but it is a little different to my normal assignments so possibly still worth a skim-read. ____________________________ … Continue reading What sources do we have for the history of the early Roman Empire, and what problems do we have in their interpretation?