What role did Enlightenment ideas play in the cultural origins of the French Revolution?

Akin to Daniel Mornet’s underlying thesis that ‘it was, in part, ideas that determined the French Revolution’, this study will highlight the importance of Enlightenment in Revolution.[1] There are undoubtedly greater political and economic causes, including resentment of an increasingly objectionable monarchy and the financial strains of substantial expenditure on wars including the American War … Continue reading What role did Enlightenment ideas play in the cultural origins of the French Revolution?

How has the historiography of the Enlightenment changed since the 1960s?

Discussions of the Enlightenment have been in place since as early as the eighteenth century.[1] ‘Enlightenment is man’s emergence from his self-incurred immaturity’, Immanuel Kant stated in his 1784 essay, ‘An Answer to the Question: What is Enlightenment?’[2] In this, Kant cleverly defines the Enlightenment as an event or a process which brings humanity out … Continue reading How has the historiography of the Enlightenment changed since the 1960s?

In what ways do historians’ own personal experiences shape their interpretations of the past?

Alan Atkinson, in the journey to understand whether or not a ‘good historian’ should allow compassion to stain their work concluded that to not experience and project emotion is inhuman.[1] Similarly, Charles Beard’s 1935 article condemned the possibility of writing an entirely objective history, asserting that this was simply an unachievable yet ‘noble dream’.[2] Despite … Continue reading In what ways do historians’ own personal experiences shape their interpretations of the past?

Summary of Stefan Berger’s “History and national identity: why they should remain divorced”

(One of my first university pieces) Stefan Berger’s article is intrinsically critical of historiographic nationalism in its description of the development of this over the past few centuries. It explores the ideas of patriotism and implores that a separation between national history and national identity is key, though this is often confused or ignored. Berger … Continue reading Summary of Stefan Berger’s “History and national identity: why they should remain divorced”

The Value of a History Degree in 510 Words

Ever-expanding and constantly under criticism for being ‘irrelevant’ to modern society, History is one of the most all-encompassing academic subjects; there is little that can be excluded from its studies. Forever delving further into the depths of time and the recesses of the past allows its students to develop critical research skills that are beneficial … Continue reading The Value of a History Degree in 510 Words